This Is dedicated to you and your family...
We are building an organization for our children and grandchildren to use to get what they need through any troubled times ahead. There will be times when they will have to negotiate with their government for their needs and that can be done best by an organized group.
We have no illusions. It will take extremely large numbers of supporters to do some of the things encompassed in our mission statement. One of our goals to address this problem is the creation of an umbrella organization. This would be composed of all the social and environmental groups.
Whoever you are, however much time you have, Join us at the PREPAREDNESS PROJECT. You will find no trace of politics, religion, or prejudice and It costs nothing to join.
FaceBook Discussion Group
Group Chats
YouTube and Streaming
The climate vulnerable are starting to roar
The Cop27 summit won a breakthrough for those on the frontlines of the climate emergency. Cop28 must herald the end of oil and gas
The climate vulnerable are starting to roar

Why Donate ?
In this case we are using Facebook to start an organization. Like any organization we have costs. The first cost is to pay for our website hosting and the costs for printed material to help the organization to grow. We need a budget for promotional material and for outreach work.
We must grow either by advertising or by word of mouth. We need both of these means to grow. Since we are volunteers your contribution will go directly tp help raise awareness and to grow this organization by advertising.
We have no office to support (we would like to have an office) we have no bricks and mortar to pay for .Your donation goes directly to work.